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sssReading, meditating and practicing the word of God is vital for spiritual strength, self-identity, and copying Christ.  Ephesians 5:1 says, “Therefore be imitators of God [copy Him and follow His example], as well-beloved children [imitate their father].  As we make a habit of performing God’s word we will build confidence in who we really are in  Him.  I have decided to focus on declaring who I am in Christ Jesus more than I ever have before.  Today I have shared with you some of my confessions.  I encourage you to read, meditate and confess God’s truths about yourself every chance you get while expecting His glorious power to be manifested in your life!




I believe and receive that I have the mind of Christ.

I believe and receive that I am redeemed by the blood

I believe and receive that I am healed, healthy and whole.

I believe and receive that I am not anxious about anything.

I believe and receive that I am a new creature in Christ Jesus.

I believe and receive that I have no lack, all my needs are met.

I believe and receive that I am the righteousness of Christ Jesus.

I believe and receive that I am wealthy, successful,  and prosperous.


I believe and receive that I have peace that surpasses all understanding.

I believe and receive that I am  saved, sanctified, and filled with the Holy Spirit.


What are you confessing from God’s word?  Please share I’d love to know ;=)