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It’s Fridayyyyyy!!!! As if you didn’t already know that huh;=) If by chance you’ve decided you’re staying in this evening nicely sheltered from the cold how about trying this detox I ran across on Terry Quinn’s facebook page.  By the way she has lots more great DIY’s in case you’re interested at www.facebook.com/terryquinn210

The first thing you need to know though, is that you should allow at least 45 minutes to yourself for this, because the first half of the time is to detox and the second half is to soak-in. The longer, the better.

You can make your own mixture with other ingredients, but the basic ingredients are as follows:

-2 cups of Epsom salt (and add in another cup for every 50 pounds you are over 100 pounds)
-2 cups of baking soda
-1/3 cup of ground ginger
-Your choice of mint, herbs, or essential oils


Add all of those things (or your favorite optional ingredients) into a hot bath as it is running, and swish it around until it is as dissolved as possible. Jump in and enjoy. Be warned though…you WILL sweat, and quickly. The more ginger you use, the more you will sweat. Soak for at least 45 minutes, hop out and into a fluffy towel, and then spend the next fifteen minutes trying to remember your first name. Ahhhhh…sounds great doesn’t it? I can’t wait to try it myself; =)